Non-Profit Organizations Info

Here is a list of exceptional non-profit organizations, along with detailed information about each one. Take some time to discover these inspiring initiatives, and choose an organization that personally connects with you or what God is putting on your heart to choose. In order to choose which organization you'd like to contribute to, you must view your cart and select the desired non-profit before checkout. If you don't select any, your contribution will be equally distributed to all the available organizations.



Information and Resources about for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate,  Skin | American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention, research, and support of those affected by cancer in the United States. Since its establishment in 1913, the ACS has been at the forefront of the fight against cancer, tirelessly working to eradicate this devastating disease. This esteemed charity is committed to funding groundbreaking research initiatives aimed at unraveling the complexities of cancer, advancing treatment methods, and ultimately discovering a cure. In addition to research, the ACS places a strong emphasis on prevention, striving to educate the public about the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, early detection, and regular screenings. Moreover, the ACS offers a wide range of comprehensive support services to individuals and families impacted by cancer, providing invaluable resources, counseling, and assistance throughout their journey. Through their unwavering dedication, the American Cancer Society embodies hope and compassion as they strive to create a world free from the burden of cancer, ensuring that no one faces this disease alone.



American Red Cross Customer Story -

The American Red Cross, established in 1881, is a renowned humanitarian organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering during times of crisis and disaster. They provide aid and relief to those affected by natural disasters, swiftly mobilizing teams to offer emergency shelter, food, and supplies to displaced individuals and families. The Red Cross also offers immediate medical assistance and emotional support to address both the physical and psychological needs of survivors. Additionally, they prioritize blood donation, organizing drives and maintaining a nationwide network of centers to ensure a stable blood supply for life-saving procedures. They emphasize health and safety education through CPR and first aid training, empowering individuals to save lives in emergencies. Supporting military families with communication services is another crucial aspect of their work. Through their unwavering dedication to compassion and service, the American Red Cross offers hope and support to those facing adversity, making a profound impact in times of crisis.



charity: water - Customer Success | Heroku

Charity: Water is a transformative non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing clean and safe drinking water to communities in need around the world. With a mission to end the global water crisis, charity: water works tirelessly to bring sustainable water solutions to those who lack access to clean water sources. By implementing innovative projects, such as drilling wells, building water filtration systems, and constructing sanitation facilities, this remarkable charity has impacted the lives of millions of individuals in over 29 countries. They collaborate closely with local partners and communities, ensuring the long-term viability and ownership of water projects. Transparency is a core value of charity: water, as they commit to showcasing the impact of every donation by providing GPS coordinates, photos, and stories of the communities served. Through their initiatives, charity: water not only improves health and well-being but also empowers communities, particularly women and children, who often bear the burden of collecting water from distant and contaminated sources. By addressing this fundamental need, charity: water brings hope, dignity, and transformative change to communities, sparking a ripple effect of progress and unlocking opportunities for growth and development.



Press | Direct Relief

Direct Relief is an exceptional humanitarian organization that is dedicated to improving the health and lives of people affected by poverty, natural disasters, and emergencies. With an unwavering commitment to providing direct and immediate assistance, Direct Relief delivers essential medical resources and supplies to communities in need around the world. Through strong partnerships with healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals, they ensure that life-saving medications, equipment, and medical supplies reach the most vulnerable populations. Whether responding to devastating hurricanes, disease outbreaks, or ongoing healthcare challenges, Direct Relief works tirelessly to ensure that communities have access to critical healthcare services. They also play a pivotal role in disaster preparedness and response, providing emergency relief kits, medical teams, and support to affected regions. Direct Relief's impact extends beyond immediate relief efforts as they focus on building long-term resilience, improving healthcare infrastructure, and addressing systemic health disparities. By empowering local healthcare providers and responding with precision and compassion, Direct Relief continues to make a significant impact in the lives of millions, bringing hope, healing, and a better future to communities worldwide.



Feeding America - Wikipedia

Feeding America is a transformative charitable organization that operates a vast network of over 200 food banks and 60,000 partner agencies across the United States. With their strong commitment to addressing food insecurity, they ensure that nutritious meals and groceries reach individuals and families facing hunger in every state. Through their extensive reach and collaborative efforts, Feeding America distributes billions of pounds of food annually, maximizing the impact of donated resources and serving as a lifeline for millions of Americans in need of assistance. In addition to their vital hunger relief efforts, Feeding America actively advocates for policies and programs that address the underlying causes of food insecurity, collaborating with policymakers, community leaders, and corporate partners to promote sustainable solutions and raise awareness about the pervasive issue of hunger in America. They also tailor their programs to target vulnerable populations, recognizing the diverse needs of the communities they serve. Initiatives such as the School Pantry Program and the Backpack Program specifically focus on child hunger, ensuring that children have consistent access to nutritious meals both during and outside of school hours. Through their comprehensive approach, Feeding America strives to build a more equitable and food-secure future for all, where no one has to worry about where their next meal will come from.



Large Transfer Program | GiveDirectly

GiveDirectly's pioneering work in poverty alleviation through direct cash transfers has positioned them as a global leader in their field. By harnessing cutting-edge technology and implementing a streamlined process, they ensure the swift and secure delivery of funds to individuals facing extreme poverty, providing them with the agency to make transformative decisions. With a targeted approach that focuses on the most impoverished communities and relies on data-driven evaluations, GiveDirectly optimizes the impact of their cash transfers, empowering recipients to not only enhance their living standards but also seize educational opportunities, access vital healthcare services, launch entrepreneurial ventures, and address immediate needs with a renewed sense of autonomy and dignity. Driven by an unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability, GiveDirectly meticulously tracks the outcomes of their interventions, actively collaborates with other organizations and researchers, and acts as a catalyst for a paradigm shift in charitable giving. Their trailblazing efforts usher in a new era of sustainable change, breaking the cycle of dependency and nurturing self-sufficiency within both individuals and communities alike.



Habitat for Humanity - Wikipedia

Habitat for Humanity, a renowned international nonprofit organization, is deeply committed to its mission of providing safe and affordable housing solutions for families in need. Through their unique model, which relies on volunteer labor, donations, and community partnerships, Habitat for Humanity constructs and repairs homes, ensuring that individuals and families have access to decent and secure housing. Their homeownership program plays a vital role in empowering low-income families by offering affordable mortgages and zero-interest loans, enabling them to achieve their dream of owning a home while building equity and breaking free from the cycle of poverty. In addition to their impactful work in housing, Habitat for Humanity extends its efforts towards community development and empowerment. Collaborating closely with local communities, they identify and address critical needs such as access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and healthcare services, ensuring a holistic approach to improving living conditions. Furthermore, Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in construction, embracing energy-efficient methods, and prioritizing environmental stewardship. Beyond their direct interventions, Habitat for Humanity takes on the role of advocacy to address systemic issues related to housing and poverty. They tirelessly strive to influence policies and practices that impact affordable housing, advocating for the rights and needs of marginalized populations and bringing about positive change on a broader scale. With their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, Habitat for Humanity has positively impacted the lives of millions of individuals worldwide. Their transformative work goes beyond providing shelter, as they actively foster stability, self-reliance, and hope for a brighter future. By building stronger communities and empowering families to thrive, Habitat for Humanity creates lasting change that reverberates far beyond the boundaries of a single home, paving the way for a more equitable and inclusive society.



Ronald McDonald House logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and their families. With a network of chapters and programs worldwide, RMHC provides vital support to families facing the challenges of having a child with a serious illness or injury. The organization's cornerstone program is the Ronald McDonald House, which offers a comforting home-away-from-home for families to stay close to their hospitalized child. In addition to providing accommodations, RMHC offers a range of services designed to alleviate the burdens families face during these difficult times. They provide transportation assistance, ensuring families can easily access medical facilities and appointments. RMHC also operates Ronald McDonald Family Rooms within hospitals, offering respite areas where families can rest, recharge, and connect with one another. Another significant initiative of RMHC is the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile program, which brings essential healthcare services directly to underserved communities. These mobile clinics provide medical, dental, and health education services, improving access to quality care for children who may otherwise go without. RMHC is committed to the well-being of families beyond the hospital setting. They offer grants and scholarships to support children's education, provide resources for families to cope with their child's illness or injury, and invest in research projects focused on pediatric health. Through their unwavering dedication and the support of their donors and volunteers, Ronald McDonald House Charities has made a profound impact on the lives of countless families. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, access to healthcare, and educational opportunities, RMHC helps families navigate challenging circumstances and creates a positive difference in the lives of children and their loved ones.



The Salvation Army - Wikipedia

The Salvation Army is a globally recognized charitable organization that provides extensive support and assistance to individuals and communities in need. Committed to their mission of "Doing the Most Good," the Salvation Army offers a wide range of programs and services that address poverty, homelessness, addiction, disaster relief, and social justice issues. Through their network of shelters, the Salvation Army provides emergency housing, meals, and supportive services to those experiencing homelessness. They also operate rehabilitation centers that offer comprehensive programs for individuals struggling with addiction, helping them achieve recovery and rebuild their lives. Additionally, the Salvation Army provides social services that include food assistance, clothing, financial support, and job training, empowering individuals and families to overcome economic hardships. Their disaster response teams swiftly mobilize during crises, providing immediate aid, shelter, and emotional support to affected communities. The Salvation Army also actively advocates for policies that address systemic issues related to poverty and inequality, aiming to create lasting change on a broader scale. Furthermore, the Salvation Army is renowned for its iconic Red Kettle campaign during the holiday season, which raises funds to support their various programs and services. The organization's commitment to transparency and accountability ensures that donated funds are utilized effectively to make a significant impact in the lives of those they serve. By providing practical assistance, spiritual support, and a compassionate presence, the Salvation Army brings hope and restores dignity to individuals and families in need. Their unwavering dedication to serving others has made a profound difference in communities worldwide, helping individuals overcome challenges, find stability, and build a better future.




Samaritan's Purse is a prominent international humanitarian organization that is dedicated to providing emergency relief, assistance, and long-term support to individuals and communities affected by crisis, poverty, and natural disasters. With a strong Christian faith as the foundation of their work, Samaritan's Purse operates in over 100 countries, delivering lifesaving aid and meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those facing hardships. Their response efforts encompass a wide range of services, including the provision of food, clean water, medical care, shelter, and hygiene kits in the immediate aftermath of disasters. Samaritan's Purse also focuses on long-term recovery by supporting community development projects, such as rebuilding infrastructure, providing vocational training, and assisting with livelihood initiatives. They work closely with local partners and communities to ensure sustainable solutions that promote self-sufficiency and resilience. In addition to their disaster response efforts, Samaritan's Purse operates numerous specialized programs to address critical issues. These programs include medical missions that offer surgical services and healthcare access to underserved populations, as well as initiatives to combat malnutrition, improve education, and provide safe water and sanitation facilities. Their Operation Christmas Child project, which delivers gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need around the world, brings joy and hope during the holiday season. Samaritan's Purse also actively engages in advocacy efforts to raise awareness and address the root causes of poverty, injustice, and inequality. They are committed to promoting human rights, religious freedom, and social justice, advocating for marginalized communities and vulnerable populations. Through their unwavering commitment to serving those in need, Samaritan's Purse has positively impacted countless lives, providing assistance and restoring hope in the face of adversity. Their holistic approach to humanitarian aid, combined with their compassionate spirit, enables them to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide.



Save the Children – Healthy Newborn Network

Save the Children is a renowned international nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children around the world. With a focus on child protection, education, health, and emergency response, Save the Children works tirelessly to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up healthy, educated, and safe. Through their child protection programs, Save the Children works to prevent and respond to violence, abuse, and exploitation faced by children. They advocate for children's rights, work to strengthen child protection systems, and provide support to children affected by conflicts, disasters, and emergencies. Education is a cornerstone of Save the Children's mission. They strive to increase access to quality education, especially for children in marginalized and disadvantaged communities. They establish schools, develop educational materials, train teachers, and promote inclusive and child-centered learning environments, enabling children to reach their full potential. Save the Children also focuses on child health and nutrition. They work to reduce child mortality, improve access to healthcare services, and combat malnutrition. Their programs include providing immunizations, access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and interventions to prevent and treat diseases. In times of crisis and emergencies, Save the Children mobilizes rapidly to provide lifesaving assistance. They set up temporary shelters, distribute emergency supplies, provide medical care, and offer psychosocial support to children affected by conflicts, natural disasters, and other emergencies. By partnering with local communities, governments, and other organizations, Save the Children creates sustainable solutions that have a lasting impact on children's lives. They engage in advocacy and policy work to influence decision-makers and promote children's rights and well-being on a global scale. Save the Children's unwavering commitment to children's welfare has made a significant difference in the lives of millions of children worldwide. Through their comprehensive programs and initiatives, they empower children, protect their rights, and provide them with the opportunities they need to thrive, fostering a brighter and more equitable future for all.




Help children living in poverty | World Vision

World Vision is a renowned international humanitarian organization dedicated to alleviating poverty and empowering communities around the world. With a focus on child well-being, World Vision implements comprehensive programs that address the root causes of poverty, including access to clean water, education, healthcare, food security, economic development, and child protection. Through their child sponsorship program, World Vision provides vulnerable children with access to essential resources and opportunities. Sponsors contribute to the child's education, healthcare, nutrition, and overall development, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and reach their full potential. World Vision also responds to emergencies and disasters, providing immediate relief and long-term recovery assistance. They deliver life-saving aid, including food, water, shelter, and medical support, while also supporting communities in rebuilding their lives and strengthening their resilience. The organization places a strong emphasis on community empowerment and sustainable development. They work in partnership with local communities, governments, and other stakeholders to implement programs that address the specific needs and challenges of each community. World Vision focuses on building local capacity, promoting gender equality, advocating for social justice, and fostering community ownership to create lasting change. With a commitment to transparency and accountability, World Vision ensures that donations and resources are used effectively and efficiently. They regularly monitor and evaluate their programs to measure their impact and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve their interventions. Through their tireless efforts, World Vision has positively impacted the lives of millions of children and families worldwide. By providing vital resources, fostering community development, and advocating for the rights of the most vulnerable, World Vision works towards a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive and every community can achieve sustainable progress.